Information design - Project 1

26/01/2023 - 09/02/2022 (Week 03- Week 05)
Yong Kai Yi (0352826)
Information Design
Project 1: Instructable Infographics

Instructable Poster

Chosen video:

I went through a few videos from the Pasta Grannies channel and I was being very indecisive at first, I chose this instead as I think the Granny looks so cute and the dish is interesting, as I didn't hear or tried it before.


Steps/ Sketches:

I watched the videos a few times, then sketch and jot down the steps, then I arranged them at the 2nd time then I arranged and organized them again the 3rd time.

Research (moodboard):

fig: references/ inspirations 
fig: color palette

fig: color palette

The colors are taken from the photos of Liguria which is where the recipe and granny are based from.


fig: composition/arrangement

fig: background

fig: borders


fig: outcomes without borders

fig: outcomes with borders

Final outcome:

fig: final outcome

Animated Infographics



fig: image trace

I drew most of the assets in procreate and import them to AI image tracing them, and separating the necessary layers for animations. At first, I arrange them in layers with artboards in one AI file then save them into individual artboards and further arrange the layers, to ensure I can animate each object in After Effects. 

fig: border adjustments

I also added the same border as the poster but I made really minor changes to it. 


fig: handwritten animation

Using masks to create quick handwriting animation for cursives.

fig: smoke effect

Using shape, wave warp to create a basic smoke effect.

fig: Bezier warp

Applying a Bezier warp to make it more natural. 

fig: puppet pin

Using the puppet pin for pouring liquid animations, I also used it for the "kneading dough" step.

fig: repeater

Trying out the repeater to create the clock by following the tutorial online, but it didn't really work for me, so I just animate the clock without it.

fig: bubbles

Animating bubbles by using position and adjusting the angle with the pen tool (Alt), then adding opacity and scale to make it more natural. Then, I duplicate a few and adjust different keyframes. 

fig: position, scale, opacity

I keep using these three main effects to smoothen the previous scene to the next scene, for example (the screenshot above), changing from non-baked pie to baked pie after coming out from the oven.

In the end, I need to manually adjust the speed because not sure why sometimes when I animate in the composition it looks normal but when I watch it overall it was faster, I think because of the loading time

Sound effects and BGM:

fig: adjust the bgm eq in audition

As the bgm was mainly violin and piano, and I thought that the violin sound was too sharp, I tried to make the bgm less sharp, and deeper.

fig: add sound effects in Premiere pro

I use Premiere Pro to add audio as I thought it's more convenient for me, easier to adjust db, and can add crossfade for the audio.

fig: stacking audio

Some scenes have a lot of things happening at the same time so I used about 5 layers of audio for the bgm and sound effects.

Final outcome:


The illustration size is clear which is good. But is rendered illegible with such small instructions
As long as the text is clearer then by all means
I do agree viewers will be more attracted to illustrations, but to a certain point It's more practical to type out information like ingredients
Even if it is attractive, it is not as functional. Function first, then form
**after changing the font and size
visuals and layout look good. The font is just a little hard to read (legibility). Other than that it's good

Animated Infographics
fig: minor changes suggested by Mr.Martin (version w/o audio)


This project is one of the most struggled ones for me, I struggled with choosing recipes, brainstorming the poster's layout, and so on. In the end, I keep rushing the animation, as I wanted to try my best and put all my effort into it, but I need to handle the group project at the same time. For this short semester, the main issue is time, the shortage of time really causes a lot of stress. I learned a lot of different effects online for the animated infographics, sometimes when I faced a problem or thought about one effect but was not sure how to do it, I will try to search online and find tutorials. The thing I was satisfied with is I learned a lot of effects that I didn't know before. Due to the shortage of time, I might not have had a really good outcome but I did my best for this amount of time. 


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