Animation Fundamental -Exercises
Yong Kai Yi (0352826)
Animation Fundamentals
Module Information Booklet:
Week 2 (11/4/2023)
Exercise 1: Bouncing Ball Animation
fig: tutorial
During week 2, we learned the basics of Adobe Animate. We opened three layers, for the "ground", arch as the bouncing ball reference, and the ball. We learned how to add frames, and so on.
fig: first attempt
fig: extreme
After using the line tool to make the arch, I added the ball at each starting and ending point.
fig: add frames
Then by following the rules/format taught by Mr.Kamal, we need to add one frame in the middle of each extreme. Then continue to put in the middle of the frames and make sure the spacings are consistent. I added more frames on the top to slow it down and lesser frames when the ball dropped.
Final Outcome:
fig: without arch
Week 3 (18/4/2023)
<Squash & Stretch, Drag, Follow Through & Overlapping>
Exercise 2: Bouncing ball with tail animation
fig: extreme
After adding the extremes, then we need to add a frame in between but this time we need to stretch it when it going down or up and add squash when the ball hits the ground.
fig: add more frames
Repeat the steps for other bounces too, but reduces the stretch and squash when it bounces less.
fig: add tail sketches
Before adding tails, we need to roughly sketch how the tail position first. Mr.Kamal said as long as the tail follows the arch should be fine.
fig: finalized tail
After sketching, I use the brush tool to add a refined version tail.
Final outcome:
fig: final outcome without arch
Final outcome after feedback:
fig: final outcome after 1st feedback
fig: adjust frames
Adjust the stretch to contact the floor.
fig: adjust the positions and tail
FINAL outcome after feedback:
fig: final outcome after final feedback
W2 bouncing ball first attempt:
spacing not consistent
W3 bouncing ball with a tail sketch:
the tail is fine
W4 bouncing ball with tail:
Overall is fine, just the tail doesn't want to fall off the floor.
W5 bouncing ball with tail:
Before the squash needs to contact with the floor, movement wise the tail is ok but its shape is not consistent
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