Sonic Design- Project 2

06/09/2023 - 11/10/2023 (Week 02- Week 07)
Yong Kai Yi (0352826)
Sonic Design
Project 2: Audio Storytelling



After going through the stories I preferred, I chose Raya and the Last Dragon out of these 4 stories, as I wanted to try out the ancient stories. 

Progress in Audition and PremierePro:

Final Submission:


I learned how to clean up audio using Denoise, autogate, capture noise print, and so on, there are actually a lot of methods to solve just one problem. I think it's quite fun to add SFX, bgm, dialogues, and scripts by ourselves, I actually referred a lot to the original film too, and realized there are a lot of details I didn't even notice before I did this project. Now I know, that sound design is incredibly difficult and time/ patience level consuming. 


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